Friday, May 14, 2010

Cains Review

Chain is written by Laurie Halse Anderson. I thing the story is good late me tell you some things about the story. The main character Isabel and her sister were been in slavery for a long time. As the story goes on, Isabel changes because she has to help her little sister and Curzon to get out of the predicament. They dad was trying to protect his family but they took him down then Isabel and her little sister and mom was working for this women. they mom died and the women so they can leave on they on but the man will not late them do that so the man soled them to the men people they was so bad the cook was trying to buy them but the Lockton. will not let that happen the women said I don’t have a lot of money so I will be on my way back in the I think that the women had some mo money but she just did want to give it up so off they went they go on the boat and start putting stuff on their but I think the little girl was trying to laugh because she want to see the other people to get in Trouble but she saw her sister take up for her and she got and trouble then they go off the boat Madam. Said go get me some water for Becky to make some tea so she went to get the water Curzon came along with her then Isabel said why did you come with me he said to help you it send like you need it help but I don’t so you can just go back she said but he said no I’m gone to help you so they went By the bakery and got her some think to ate then she went and got the water then went back to Lockton. House and Becky was trying to tell me where was my sister then I was trying to go where she was but Becky said that Madam. Did want me and my sister to be and the same place so I work in the chicken and then after that day madam was been nice to me and told me to take the waste of the day off then I went to sleep and my mind told her to wake up so she did and my sister was gone. All this started at late 1700s in New York Rhode Island so she went off on Madam In madam was afraid she was up their backing up and then she so a picture frame and got in of the wall and hit Isabel with it

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